“If You Can’t Prevent Rape, You Enjoy It,” Says India’s Head of Police

“If You Can’t Prevent Rape, You Enjoy It,” Says India’s Head of Police

Strangely enough, Sinha wasn’t even intendin“If you can’t prevent rape, you enjoy it,” said Ranjit Sinha, the head of India’s police department, at a conference on Tuesday.
Yeah, that might be one of the dumbest comments about rape we’ve ever heard an official say… and that’s including Todd Akin’s claim that women can’t get pregnant from “legitimate” rape.g to discuss the nation’s rape crisis; India’s highest-ranking police official was at a conference to share his views on gambling. Despite restrictive gambling legislation currently in place, many Indians still find ways to illegally gamble. Therefore, Sinha believes that the country should tax and regulate gambling instead.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/if-you-cant-prevent-rape-you-enjoy-it-says-indias-head-of-police.html#ixzz2kjT7Ndx5
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