At the foundation of Feng Shui is the belief that everything in our home is alive and sending messages to us. This may seem like a stretch to many, but stop and think about it; when the first thing you encounter upon entering your home is an unrelenting pile of clutter, how does it make you feel? My guess: not so great. And who needs that?
Many of us have kept in our homes a gift that we really disliked but didn’t get rid of it for fear of offending a friend or relative. One of my clients displayed pictures of depressing subjects that brought her down but felt obligated to keep them up for fear of offending a close photographer friend. Another client insisted her daughter display in her room all of the expensive dolls her grandmother gave her, even though her daughter hated dolls.
Keeping objects that you don’t like is is a big deal and affects you more powerfully than you realize. It also says a lot about who you are.
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