Swimming With Whale Sharks – Photography by Shawn Heinrichs

Shawn Heinrichs is a passionate cinematographer/photographer, scuba diver, and marine conservationist. He has worked with leading film and journalist teams including CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Yann Arthus Bertrand, and National Geographic and delivered projects for many of the top marine conservation organizations including WildAid, Shark Savers, Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy and Pew Environment Group. He has also teamed up with John Weller to create a global film series to raise awareness and support campaigns for marine conservation. And in partnership with Jim Abernethy and George Schellenger, the trio are creating films about sharks and other charismatic marine life, and our connection to these magnificent creatures.
One of Shawn’s main conservation subjects is sharks. Check out his article called The Dark Room, which paints a powerful picture behind what he does. And while his work does at times show the ugly side behind the mistreatment of marine life, Shawn also captures the real life beauty that fuels his passion. For example, his amazing photography while swimming with whale sharks.
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
You can check out more of Shawn’s work on his website.
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