The two teenage boys were forced to sit in chairs and hold hands with each other. Meanwhile the rest of the school’s students paraded around them and made fun of them. This is a type of public shaming that has become a popular form of punishment. Perhaps due to the embarrassment, the two boys will remember this punishment for the rest of their lives. In addition, hopefully the example set forth by these two boys will deter other students from wanting to fight each other on campus.
In addition to just the shame suffered by being seen holding hands with each other, the students also faced verbal abuse and ridicule from other students at the school. Some students harrassed the two young kids by asking them if they were both gay, and others took video of it with their cell phones and posted it to the web. The entire time, these two boys knew that their faces were going to make it to the web, so they tried their best to cover their faces in shame.
The principal was investigated for his unusual choice of punishment, but was later found to have done nothing wrong. He was able to keep his job as the principal of the school.
Do you feel that the principal was out of line for making the two kids hold hands like this? Would he have been better off just suspending the two boys, or perhaps giving them after-school detention instead?
An Arizona High School Principal Forces Two Students To Hold Hands In Front Of The School After Catching Them Fighting