Going to the beach is typically a daytime activity, but for photographers, the beach can be just as thrilling at night. The leftover bits of reflected light have an effect that’s both beautiful and eerie, as if you’re looking at a place between worlds, a no man’s land.
Firmaments by James Jordan
Lifes a Beach by Mark Bowman
A fish out of water by James Jordan
Manasquan Beach Color by Todd Binger
Nighttime Beach HDR by Erik Söderström
the sun's out in the night on my request by Ibrahim Iujaz
Ghosts disappear by Sergio Tudela Romero
Portholland by Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel
Tanning Beds by Rick Flores
Old Barney and the North Star by Tony
In Phuket when the Sun goes down, the City starts to rock! by William Cho
Blue Hour @ Labrador Park by William Cho
Nightfall by Luis Argerich
fishing - Bay of Bengal by b k
The End of a Cold Night by Luis Argerich
lighthouse II by matt
Burned-out Lamp by Dave Reichert
Selene at the Sea by Luis Argerich
When Darkness Turns Into Light by Leland Francisco
Moon Light. Help! (no, really, help) by Jeremy Raff-Reynolds
0235 by Cia de Foto
Steel Wool Sparks on the Beach by Evan
Zodiacal light Over Cumberland Beach by Robert Snache