15 Extravagant Milky Way Pictures

When the sun sets and darkness takes over, the night sky becomes an entirely new world. It becomes filled with many beautiful and extravagant creations. One of which is the Milky Way, which is just as amazing seen from space as here on Earth. This mysterious vast collection of stars is a spiral galaxy, which includes our solar system. Surprisingly enough, the Milky Way is just one of the billions of other galaxies in the universe.
Milky Way 15
Resting in Peace and Love by Robert Snache
Milky Way 13
Milky Way over Lake Mary, Flagstaff – AZ – Perseids Meteor Shower by Logan Brumm
Milky Way 12
Milkyway as seen from Trysil shot with samyang 8mm fisheye by Timothy Boocock
Milky Way 11
Explore! – Light pollution can’t kill the stars… by andrewXu
Milky Way 10
The Milky Way Panorama by European Southern Observatory
Milky Way 9
In the Darkness… by andrewXu
Milky Way 8
The ISS with Dragon and the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy by Ian Alexander Norman
Milky Way 7
he Southern Milky Way Above ALMA by European Southern Observatory
Milky Way 6
Milky Way by Roman Vanur
Milky Way 5
Camping in Death Valley by Paxson Woelber
Milky Way 4
Amazing power of nature! milky way, aurora borealis and Geminids meteor by oskaree
Milky Way 3
Milky Way Over Calm Water by Nicolas Goulet
Milky Way 2
Under the Cosmic Umbrella (the Airglow Rainbow) by Jason Jenkins
Milky Way 2
Milky Way by Gunther Wegner
Milky Way 14
Milky Way From The Alabama Hills by John Lemieux
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