The Bridge of Angels in Rome

Ten strikingly beautiful angel sculptures line the Bridge of Angels in Rome. Each angel holds a symbol of Christ's suffering and death.

Angel with the Scourge
Inscription: "In flagella paratus sum"
Translation: I am ready for the scourge (Psalm 37:18, Latin Vulgate version) Significance: According to Mark 15:15, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had Jesus scourged before having him crucified.

Ten strikingly beautiful angel sculptures line the Bridge of Angels in Rome. Each angel holds a symbol of Christ's suffering and death.
Angel with the Scourge
Inscription: "In flagella paratus sum"
Translation: I am ready for the scourge (Psalm 37:18, Latin Vulgate version) Significance: According to Mark 15:15, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had Jesus scourged before having him crucified.

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