A Fresh Start ....

It almost sounds like some kind of advertising slogan, but this little play on words really says it: “GOD WILL MAKE A WAY” begins with God. It’s not just belief that makes a way; It’s God who makes a way. Your faith is the vital step you take to connect with God, the way-maker. But without God, all the faith you can possibly muster won’t get you anywhere.
1.   BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY WITH GOD – when you realize that you are poor and helpless without God, you are ready to ask Him for help. And the moment you ask God for help, you transcend your own limitations in finding your way, and God’s resources are available to you…No matter what limitation or circumstance you are struggling against, God can empower and equip you to go beyond what you thought possible.

2.   CHOOSE YOUR TRAVELING COMPANIONS WISELY – your journey with God is not intended to be a solo flight. People who rise to become the best they can be in their sports or their professions usually don’t get to the top alone. They seek help from a teacher, a counselor, or a spiritual adviser. Your journey with God will be richer, more fulfilling, and more successful if you surround yourself with people who are committed to support you, encourage you, assist you, and pray for you.

3.   PLACE HIGH VALUE ON WISDOM – Many times we are in despair because we lack vital information about our condition and its cure. Recognize the value and need for the missing pieces of Wisdom in your life: then ask God to show them to you and help you to search actively for them. Wisdom produces hope. When you feel hopeless, often it comes from a sense of not knowing what to do in your situation or feeling that nothing can be done.

4.   LEAVE YOUR BAGGAGE BEHIND – You won’t get very far very fast if you are loaded down with a lot of emotional baggage. Finding God’s way to success in your life is to leave your baggage behind. Holding on to the baggage of the past will disable you for your journey with God. His way out is to deliver you from the hurt, unforgiveness, and dysfunctional patterns of your past. Ask Him to show you how to leave your baggage behind.

5.   OWN YOUR FAULTS AND WEAKNESSES – take responsibility for your life, own up your faults, and accept blame where it is justified. When we take ownership for what happens in our lives, we are empowered to make changes. 

6.   EMBRACE YOUR PROBLEMS AS GIFTS – Problems and crises are a part of life. Welcome your problems as gifts from God to help you become a better person. Don’t ask God to get rid of your problems, and don’t merely tolerate them. Welcome them as gifts and you will find God’s way through them. View your problems as the next steps of growth for you.

7.   TAKE LIFE AS IT COMES – When God makes a way for us, it usually takes time, so we must allow time for God to work. Time allows God’s healing ingredients to be applied to our situations. We need time to experience all the ways God may use to bring out change.

8.   BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY TODAY – hit the trail on your own two feet. Remember to: walk in God’s grace, put faith in action, prayer is a genuine and powerful ally on your journey.

- Excerpt from “What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do” by Dr. Hendry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Life is a journey and the best companion among others whom we can have by our side is God. For us to reach our final destination, we need to stay on God’s track. We have to always ask God to show us the way for He is our way-maker. He surely knows how we can get to we ought to go and how we can survive the challenges we will meet along our way.

God bless your home and your Lenten Journey!
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