By Nealeigh Mitchell May 01, 2013
So you don’t have a green thumb and can’t keep a cactus alive. Well, now you can satisfy your eco-friendly instincts and give back with the click of a mouse.
The nature-loving, community-driven folks at Odwalla are joining forces with the Nature Conservancy’s All Hands on Earth campaign to plant trees in cities and towns across the United States.
Why trees? Oaks and elms aren’t just beautiful—the magnificent plants clean the air by reducing soil erosion, and helping protect us from sun exposure. Without them, our ecological balance is endangered.
So be part of the solution today! Help raise the quality of life in neighborhoods one tree at a time with click of a mouse. Create or design a virtual tree and Odwalla will plant a real one on your behalf up to 100,000 trees.
Take a break from online shopping to help plant some trees. Now that’s a productive lunch break!
Start growing goodness today