6 Places to Find Great Summer Reading

6 Places to Find Great Summer Reading

Earlier I wrote about some of my favorite summer movies. Now, it’s time to write about books. Like films, there are so many different choices and so many reasons different books are deemed a “must read.” Some people love only certain genres, be it horror, comedy or drama. And some, like everything.
So how do you choose what to read during the summer? What books do you think just say “summer”? Do you read only trashy novels? Or, do you delve into the classics? Are you an environmentalist or nature lover? Are you a foodie or locavore? The options are endless.
If you aren’t sure where to start, one great place to begin is your local library. Most libraries have a summer reading list not only for kids, but also for adults. Not sure about your own library? Visit the New York Public Library, which has recommendation lists by age and interest.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/6-places-to-find-great-summer-reading.html#ixzz2aXz98ynQ

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